Marina Amenities: Picnic Area, Marina Store, & More
Take advantage of the many great amenities that Key Largo Harbor Marina has to offer. Our Key Largo, Florida-based marina includes the following amenities:
- Bait - Boat Launch - Fish Cleaning Station - Free Wi-Fi
- Fuel Dock - Grilling Area - Laundry Room
- Marina Store - Outdoor Lounges - Picnic Area
- Restrooms - Shower - Television
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Picnic & Grilling Area with a View
Enjoy the view with your meal at our picnic tables near the docks. If you spent the day fishing, we have a fish cleaning station and a charcoal grill (also near the docks) where you can prep and cook your day's catch and enjoy the sunset.
Convenient Dockside Store
Stock up at the dockside marina store before you head out for the day. Make sure you have everything you need for a successful fishing trip and don't forget to bring enough water to keep from dehydrating in the hot Florida sun. In addition to snacks and beverages, we carry many fishing and boating supplies from reliable companies such as Petit Paint, Interlux, and West Marine.
Fuel Dock
Don't run the risk of running out of fuel on the open seas. Our fuel dock has 91 octane non-ethanol gas and marine diesel to keep you motoring along. The fuel dock is open from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., 7 days a week.